Leverage the power of AI, focused with the data of 75,000+ product reviews to reveal opportunities for innovation in your market. Perfect for rapid product ideation that is insight-led, and in real-time.
It’s innovation, At the
Click of A button
Concept Generator gives you the ability to conduct product ideation at a fraction of the cost and time. Based on category tensions, sourced here in Australia, on your categories. Reduce your timeframe from months to seconds.
Concept Generation
Powered by SaySo Insights
Every concept generated is backed by real consumer data. We leverage insights from over 75,000 reviews of current market products, and thousands of daily conversations with real Australians in our 25,000-member SaySo Community. Or, engage directly with consumers in SaySo to identify clear unmet needs, tensions, and drivers of appeal.
OUT-PERFORMING traditionally generated concepts
In recent comparative testing, 57% of our AI-generated concepts selected for testing performed in the top quartile of our 5,000-strong concept database. Our dynamic, AI-powered platform is always-on, always learning – evolving with every consumer interaction to deliver the most relevant and accurate market insights.
product ideation, at a fraction
of the cost and time
Concept Generator gives you the ability to conduct product ideation at a fraction of the cost and time. Reduce your timeframe from months to literally seconds.

Driven by SaySo, one of Australia’s largest online research communities, leverage 75,000 product reviews and ongoing longitudinal analysis from hundreds of research programs running within the community.

Pinpoint gaps within your market in seconds. Our AI rapidly analyses vast amounts of data to discover and size unmet needs, identify key drivers of appeal, and focus on areas ripe for innovation.

Instantly generate insight-led concepts that address identified market gaps in Australia, all backed by real consumer data – accelerating your path, from concept to product launch.
The future of consumer feedback, is here. Leverage insights from 75,000 consumer reviews, and over 7,000 products – delivered into a user-friendly dashboard.
Experience Concept Generator for yourself
To receive a sample of consumer-led concepts generated for your brand and market, talk with Ray.